Month: November 2006

  • Friday November 17, 2006

    Last summer I read Skeet Savage’s Homeschooling for Eternity.  I have to tell you that while I really enjoyed this book, it was not the sort of “homeschool” book that normally appeals to me.  On the other hand, there have not been many books that have had me shaking my head in agreement and saying,…

  • Thursday November 16, 2006

    I think all of us long for more hours in our day.  However, God in His infinite wisdom gives us all just 24 hours.  If the Lord thinks 24 hours are enough, who am I to quibble? So, why do we think we need more time?  When I find myself with days that are too…

  • Wednesday November 15, 2006

    When we first moved to the country eight years ago, I absolutely loved seeing and hearing the native critters.  Of course, over time, that love has grown a bit cooler.  Oh, I still love hearing the coyotes at night, as long as they are far enough in the distance that I know that my sheep…

  • Tuesday November 14, 2006

    My maternal grandmother died in 1969.  I was only twelve.  She left only two children, my mom and my Uncle Bob.  Uncle Bob was still living on the family farm and had been a bi-vocational farmer since my grandfather’s death several years earlier.  Since Uncle Bob was still living in the family home, my mom only asked for a very…

  • Monday November 13, 2006

         Every job, to be well done, requires the proper use of the proper tools.  Reading is no exception to this rule.  Besides being sure that I have the proper lighting, there are three tools that are always close at hand when I sit down to read – a small sized dictionary, my Reader’s Journal,…

  • Monday November 13, 2006

    Every job, to be well done, requires the proper use of the proper tools.  Reading is no exception to this rule.  Besides being sure that I have the proper lighting, there are three tools that are always close at hand when I sit down to read – a small sized dictionary, my Reader’s Journal, and…

  • Saturday November 11, 2006

    I don’t have a lot of completed projects to show today.  I had a busy week.  I did spend some time with knitting and sewing, but I’m trying to read at least three evenings a week now, too.  Balance, balance, balance.  Although I have a LOT of  Christmas projects to work on, I’m still doing…

  • Friday November 10, 2006

    My Friday Favorite to share with you this week is what we call our Grandma Bettie Wall of Fame.  But you know me, there’s always a story. If it’s true that you can really know the character of a person by the company they keep, then I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my…

  • Thursday November 9, 2006

         As I mentioned recently, I have needed, for some time, to get back into reading on a regular basis.  Homeschooling moms, especially, need to be careful to put a little fuel back into the mental tank that we so freely give from.  I know, for myself, that when I read on a wide variety…

  • Thursday November 9, 2006

    Extras.  Homeschooling Extras.  You know, the stuff you really, really want to do with your kids, but there’s never quite enough time to fit it all in.  And if you do find the time to fit it all in, how do you develop a system for including it regularly?  Every family is different, of course,…