Month: February 2007

  • Monday February 12, 2007

         One of the things that motivated me most to re-work my kitchen was my desire to have an efficient baking center.  I had, over the course of the first few years we lived in this house, tried to establish a baking center in a couple of different areas. None of these really worked because…

  • Monday February 12, 2007

    One of the things that motivated me most to re-work my kitchen was my desire to have an efficient baking center.  I had, over the course of the first few years we lived in this house, tried to establish a baking center in a couple of different areas. None of these really worked because they…

  • Monday February 12, 2007

    “Heading off to the Promised Land of Abundant Homeschooling may seem a little daunting at first. You will, as did every other traveler before you, encounter some difficulties on the journey.” “After crossing through the Desert of Not-Knowing-How and climbing over the Mountain Ranges of Resistance, Failure and Weariness, you will find yourself in a…

  • Sunday February 11, 2007

    Boy, things have been crazy busy here for the last week or so!!!  Part of us have had colds of varying degrees, which have left us feeling less than our best.  We’ve been keeping very busy with homeschooling.  My eight year old is settling into the newer school routine now, and the thirteen year old…

  • Saturday February 10, 2007

    If I keep my pots, pans and frying pans under my kitchen sink, then where, pray tell, would I keep the items that are *supposed* to go in and around the sink?  Again, I studied for a week or so how I used my kitchen. Where did we make coffee and tea?  Where did I…

  • Wet Area & Beverage Center – The Less Than Perfect Kitchen

    If I keep my pots, pans and frying pans under my kitchen sink, then where, pray tell, would I keep the items that are *supposed* to go in and around the sink?   Again, I studied how I used my kitchen for a week or so. Where did we make coffee and tea?  Where did…

  • Friday February 9, 2007

           I have had my share of less than reliable stoves over the years.  Funny as it may seem, my mom’s O’Keefe and Merritt stove, which now is on display in my parlor, is the oldest stove I’ve ever used and it would still, if I had natural gas in my home, be the stove…

  • Friday February 9, 2007

    I have had my share of less than reliable stoves over the years.  Funny as it may seem, my mom’s O’Keefe and Merritt stove, which now is on display in my parlor, is the oldest stove I’ve ever used and it would still, if I had natural gas in my home, be the stove I…

  • Friday February 9, 2007

         The heart of the kitchen is definitely her hearth.  Most of us no longer prepare our family’s meals over an open fire, but our kitchen stoves serve the same function.  (By the way, I have had to cook my family a few meals on our wood stove during power outages. I am so thankful…

  • Friday February 9, 2007

    The heart of the kitchen is definitely her hearth.  Most of us no longer prepare our family’s meals over an open fire, but our kitchen stoves serve the same function.  (By the way, I have had to cook my family a few meals on our wood stove during power outages. I am so thankful for…