Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
With Humblest Apologies….
If you are a subscriber to this site, you may have received a ridiculous number of notifications in the last 24 hours or so. Please be assured, there are no viruses, or any other nastiness, associated with this! We moved all of the old blog posts, from the previous host, to this site last night. There…
Because She Asked So Nicely
Misty mentioned on the facebook page that she has missed the menu posts. Her comment was so sweet, I decided to just carve out some time to make it happen, at least for this week. Thanks for your prayers for Copper. He had an unusually long lithotripsy procedure on Friday afternoon, and it looks like it…
Copper’s Day Off – 8mm Edition
Today is Copper’s Day off. In fact, he has been home from work for about a week, and he will be home through next weekend. The poor guy has been dealing with kidney stones. We’ve travelled this road before and often, though it’s been awhile since his last episode. It’s been several years since he’s…
Early Morning Phone Calls
Dani was making phone calls early this morning. Her first phone call was to her older sister, Corin. Looks like happy news, doesn’t it? She wasn’t the only one making happy calls to family in the front yard early this morning, though. There was a man in the front yard, too, and…
Copper’s Day Off – Licensed Drivers and Moose Tracks Ice Cream
Today was Copper’s day off, and what a full day it has been! We are in full retirement planning mode here. After more than thirty years in law enforcement, my husband has decided to retire in March. Our budget will be getting a bit of an overhaul and we have a lot of paperwork to…
The S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Acrostic – Sept. 8, 2012
The S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Acrostic. Sharing my week, as captured in eight photos and eight words, in an acrostic format. Sheltered All Stars Throwing Ugh! Reading Daaaaaaddy Alliance Young-uns If you’d like to post your own Saturday Acrostic, you’re welcome to do so!…
Jesus Loves Me This I Know
I’ve been trying to write a review of this book for more than a week. I loved the book. I recommended it over and over again (to the same friend), and yet, I couldn’t find the words to write the review. Then it dawned on me. The Lord had shown me so much through the book,…
Help for Understanding the Election Process and Electoral College
The Republican National Convention met in Tampa, Florida last week, and the Democratic National Convention will convene in Charlotte, North Carolina this week. Election season is in full swing, but do your kids understand the election process? Do you? America has a fairly unique process for electing her presidents. Campaigns, primaries, caucuses, party conventions and…
Got any book recommendations?