Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Copper’s Day Off – Play Ball!
Will had the opportunity to play in a summer baseball league. It’s through the same organization that he played ball with during the regular season. The league is meant to be, more or less, “just for fun” with no trophies, uniforms, etc. We’ve missed baseball these last few weeks, and it’s fun to know that…
Beautiful Baby Boy – Welcome Grandbaby #7!
In case you missed the announcement on my Facebook page, my seventh grandchild was born this last week. He was a big boy, weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 ounces, but he’s perfect in every way. He was trying to convince me that his life, so far, had been hard, but I wasn’t…
When It All Comes Crashing Down
Can I be brutally honest? It’s been a tough couple of days! I emailed a friend this morning and told her that all of those plates I’ve been spinning on poles had not only started wobbling, but one plate had crashed to the ground and a couple more were threatening to fall. I was snapping…
A Word About Using Pinterest As A Tool For Homemakers
Pinterest is a lot of fun. I enjoy spending time on Pinterest pinning things I’ve found online and repinning beautiful, creative or fun pins that others have pinned before me. Pinterest can be a good way to relax, but it can also be a helpful tool in the homemaker’s tool chest if it’s used wisely.…
Copper’s Day Off – A Curriculum Ordering, Home Improving, Productively Sewing Kind of Day
The heat of summer has arrived here in northern California, so we spent the majority of the day working inside. We all were busy with various, separate tasks and managed, between us, to accomplish not much of anything! Days like that happen. The day was still productive, we just don’t have much to show for…
Saturday Acrostic – July 7, 2012
The S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Acrostic. The week as captured in eight photos and eight words, in an acrostic format. Squash Ancient Tatting Unremarkable Remains Decorating Aunt Yummy If you’d like to post your own Saturday Acrostic, you’re welcome to do so! Choose eight photographs…
Got any book recommendations?