Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Copper’s Day Off – Or Not

    My alarm is set for 5:45 a.m. these days, but when the phone rings at 5:20, there’s no dropping back to sleep for another few minutes. A Sargent called this morning offering my husband an overtime shift at that very early hour, so I just got up, too. I was making my first big mug…

  • Tasty, Tasty, Tasty

    I’ve enjoyed this stretch of four weeks of trying lots of new recipes. With only one exception, everything we’ve tried has been quite tasty! I’m not one to hang onto years worth of back magazine issues, but I rank my Taste of Home collection the same as I do a much-loved cookbook. I keep coming…

  • Fall, Organizing and Technology

    Our fall weather arrived in fine style – cloudy skies, cooler days, chilly nights and, yesterday, some rain. I know some would prefer that summer last all year, but I enjoy the seasonal changes. It is, after all, God’s design. I’m enjoying evening fires in the wood stove and having scented candles burning throughout the…

  • It Finally Feels Like Fall

    Less than a week ago, our temperatures were in the mid – high 90’s and we were running the air conditioner. Today’s high is forecast to be about 70, and the first fall rains are on their way. Yay! I’m still freshening things up in our weekly menus. It might sound crazy to say that…

  • Business Card Holder for Dani

    Awhile back, while puttering around on Pinterest, Dani and I found a tutorial for a cute business card holder. She mentioned that maybe I should make one for her, but I’d already started planning to do just that! Using scraps from one of the fabric lines for girls in her shop, and this beautiful pinafore…

  • Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real

    Pretty – Hydrangeas, ferns, Aloe Vera and the odd tree, all started from cuttings or divided from parent plants. Our little nursery is thriving under Dani’s careful attention. Happy – Two and a half cords of seasoned almond firewood delivered to our drive way. Just the thought of sitting by the wood stove in the…

  • Being Available

    I’ve come to realize that I function best on a schedule. Not an hour by hour, minute by minute schedule, but a schedule that keeps me moving through my day. It enables me to accomplish everything I need to do on any given day, and it allows me to do things that, without a schedule,…

  • Doing What I Love (Menu Plan Monday)

    I love cooking, I really do. What I don’t love is uninspired, same old thing all the time, cooking. I’m not a gourmet cook, by any stretch of the imagination, but that’s okay because my family members aren’t really gourmet eaters. To get my creative juices flowing again, I pulled out half a dozen back…

  • Copper’s Day Off & A Birthday

    Copper and Aaron spent the better part of the day today cleaning out and reorganizing the ground floor of our small storage barn. The top of the barn holds all of our holiday decorations, camping equipment, etc., but the bottom serves as our overflow pantry. It’s where we keep the buckets of wheat, flour, sugars…

  • Menu Plan Monday Comeback

    Summer is winding down. The days are getting shorter, but we’re still feeling the summer heat. Hot weather through September, and even into October, is not unusual for us. The wine grape harvest is in full swing in central California, and the harvesting equipment and grape trucks are running up and down our country road…

Got any book recommendations?