Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Beyond Just Dinner – Planning Breakfast and Lunch Menus

    Not everyone menu plans for breakfast and lunch, but I do. There are a lot of good reasons for planning breakfast and lunch, as well as dinner. I like knowing what we’re having for breakfast, and so do my kids. We’re not great early in the morning, so the less there is to think about,…

  • Taking Joy In An Ordinary Day

    It’s been awhile since my husband has been home for ALL of his days off in a single week. His being home made for a very productive day for all of us. Our weeping willows were in terrible need of a trim, and my husband worked out in the heat until all five of them…

  • Copper’s Day Off

    I’m frequently overwhelmed with the complexity, beauty and grandeur of what God has created. Calling out, “Hey, guys! You’ve got to see this!”, is how I got my family out of bed this morning. When I opened the blinds and windows, the entire sky was filled with floating wisps of spider web. Some were low…

  • On Our Table This Week

    True confession. I didn’t type up a menu plan for my family last week! In writing up the Walk With Me post for the Menu Planning Series, the time for typing up our own menu in Print Shop never materialized. I’m happy to report that this week’s menu plan was printed and posted on the…

  • Friday Gets Too Much Credit

    I think Friday gets too much credit, and Monday gets a bad rap. Personally, after a week like this one, I’m looking forward to the brand new, fresh start that will come on Monday, after spending Sunday in worship and fellowship. I’ve a couple of pieces of blog housekeeping to share with you. First, I’ve…

  • Keeping A Loose Grip

    Today finds me wondering not only where my week has gone, but where the first half of June has gone, too. Whooosh! Those days have just flown by. My own plans for the last couple of weeks have been held with a very loose grip. You are remembering to hold your plans loosely, aren’t you?…

  • Copper’s Day Off

    Copper planned a full day of errands today. The weather was glorious, and everything was accomplished well before dinner time. Yeah for us! The day started with a hay run. Copper headed to the hay broker while the boys finished up their morning chores. When he got back, the hay was unloaded and stacked in…

  • Walk With Me – The Steps I Take For A Typical Week’s Menu Plan

    I follow the same basic steps every week as I plan our menu.  I’m sharing these with you just to help you think through your own menu planning strategy. My steps may, or may not, work for you, but I hope taking this walk with me as I plan our dinner menu for the coming…

  • I Think I Could Love This

    I now understand quilters and their “studios” or “quilting rooms”. I’ve sewn for a long time, but when you sew, you cut out your pattern pieces and then you sew them together. Not exactly the case with quilting. I cut the first two fabrics for my first pieced quilt project on Thursday. I worked at…

  • Thoughtful, Busy and Lots Going On!

    My head is swimming with projects. Projects to complete in my home that have been languishing for months. Knitting, quilting, embroidery and sewing projects are filling my head, too. I’m jotting them all down, making notes so that they’re not forgotten. I’m adding just a couple at a time into my “creative goals” for the…

Got any book recommendations?