Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Two (2) days! God bless you as you look well to the ways of your household!Proverbs 31:27
DEADLINE! – Saturday May 14, 2011
I’m not one who enjoys skidding across the finish line of a deadline with only seconds to spare. I prefer working at a steady pace and meeting deadlines with plenty of time to spare. I’ve hit a lot of roadblocks and tons of huge obstacles in the last days of this current project.…
They Aren’t Telling
I love my kids. They’re good at keeping secrets, too. Five (5) more days!
Copper’s Day Off – John Deere Edition
My husband came home from work late Saturday evening to find this in the side yard next to the drive way. Not the way a guy wants to start his weekend. There the poor ol’ John Deere sat until Monday morning. Unfortunately, it was as bad as it looked. The cast iron thingamabob that…
The weeks are flying by, aren’t they? Spring has finally arrived in California’s big valley. Watering and irrigating schedules are back in full swing, the pool is uncovered and being readied for the summer, and the yard work is intensified. And I’ve still got that project in the works. Busy? Yes. Joyful? You…
FOR THE MOMS – Saturday May 7, 2011
My favorite “mom” song is They Call Her Mama, by Jon Troast. Great song! Check it out. (By the way, I’m absolutely thrilled that I’ll be seeing Jon in concert Monday evening!) I couldn’t find a video of Mr. Troast singing that song, so I’m sharing my second favorite “mom” song instead. Hope you enjoy…
I’m Moving In!
Moving is hard work, and I’m up against a deadline. Copperswife will be here in just 2 days!
Keeping it Together When Things are Busy
We all have seasons – days, weeks or even months – when our schedules are unusually busy. It happens to all of us. Though our days may be crazy busy and unusually full, our families and homes still need us. So, how do we look well to our households during these exceptionally busy times?…
The Project at Hand
Dani has been giving me a lot of help on a project that I’m working on. I’ve been teasing the gals at Facebook a bit with pictures like this one. I thought it was time to bring everyone in on the fun! No one is moving in, and no one is moving…
It’s Not Static
How we care for our homes changes over time. The ways I am looking well to my household today, are not the same as they were last year or the year before. We must be very careful to not become too comfortable in the way we do things, thinking that those ways will work forever.…
Got any book recommendations?