Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Books Read in March, 2011

          March has been a crazy month. Plenty of stormy, cold weather that just begged for time curled up on the couch in front of the fire with a book; but my husband and I have spent a lot of time working on less enjoyable pursuits like tax returns, financial planning, and researching other money…

  • Copper’s Day Off

         My husband works on Saturday, which makes Monday our kind of-sort of Saturday.Most Mondays, it’s chores and homeschool as usual. From time to time, though, we need a Saturday sort of Monday.      Today was one of those Mondays.       Heavy, late winter and early spring rains left the ground too wet to…

  • Menu for the Week

              One of the best parts about Menu Planning is when the unexpected happens. This past week, two of my planned meals weren’t used. One meal was missed when my son, Aaron, took us all out for dinner.  The second meal was missed on a day I knew I’d be in town. I’d planned,…

  • Dwelling on Grace

      GRACE!   I want to dwell on grace!      Grace is a gift from God, given freely. It’s not something we can earn. It’s not something we can buy. It’s certainly not something we deserve.      And yet God gives His grace to us freely. As a gift. Ephesians 2 is a great place…

  • Tardy Tamalie Pie

    The Tamalie Pie recipe that I promised for today will be late. We were to have it for dinner last night, but Aaron took us out to dinner instead. Can I just say how much fun it is to have my seventeen year old son take the family out for a meal with his own…

  • Grace Filled Growing Pains

         Our children inherit an interesting blend of genetic traits from us. We often tease Corin that she got a “double whammy” by inheriting her sentimental, easily moved to tears personality from both my beloved, late mother-in-love and my own, dear departed dad.  It’s sweet, really, and she bears our teasing well.           …

  • A Place to Connect

    There’s a new place for us to connect, an easier way for you to leave comments on a post, and a fun place to just chat. Copperswife can now be found on Facebook! Search for Copperswife at Facebook ~OR~ CopperswifePromote Your Page Too ↑Click the Facebook button right here ↑(You’ll have to click through to…

  • Copper’s Day Off

    Scripture memory work.   History of the Modern World.   Dani sewing.   Quiet time, well spent, planning future orders.   Trying out new-to-him financial soft ware. Waffles for breakfast.Industrious, yet laid back.Quiet, for the most part.Copper’s Day Off! How was your Monday? God bless you as you look well to the ways of your household!Proverbs…

  • Why I Post My Menu Plan on the Fridge

              I’m glad, and relieved, to be back to menu planning on a regular basis. Menu planning is, of course, budget friendly. That alone is a good enough reason to take the time to do it on a regular basis. It also reduces stress by not having that five o’clock panic about what on…

  • Those Wicked Kissing Cousins!

         I’m fifty-four years old. Most of my hair is gray. Dani says it’s silver, which sounds a lot better than gray, but she loves me and I think her opinion may be biased.      The point is, I’ve lived a relatively long time, more than half a century in fact; and I’ve learned some…

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