Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Money Saving Tip – Fabric Softener
If you use a liquid fabric softener, try diluting it 50/50 with water. The softener will work just as well, but it will last twice as long! The same thing applies to those of you who use dryer sheets. Cut them in half. What are the ways that you save money in the laundry room?…
Just To Be Clear
Reflecting back on my last post about home keeping schedules, and as I think about home keeping in general, I want to be sure you understand my position. Please reread the things I especially highlighted in bold type and large font in my last post on this subject. I’ll make it easy for…
Money Saving Tip – Laundry Detergent
Double check your laundry detergent bottle for the correct amount of detergent to use per load. The detergent “fill” line on my washer calls for three times more than my bottle of laundry detergent recommends! Using too much detergent wastes money and water, and it can also leave a nasty residue on your otherwise…
Copper’s Day Off
My husband spent most of his day off outside with a chainsaw. I love that man and the way he takes care of us! God bless you as you look well to the ways of your household!Proverbs 31:27
Every Day is a Gift
From a recent entry to my Commonplace Book: “Each morning God reaches out of eternity, and gives us a gift: today. I used to think that my day was something that I invited God into each day. But the truth is, God is there already. I don’t invite Him, He invites me! It is He…
Homekeeping Schedules
One of the more practical ways that we can look well to the ways of our households is to keep our homes reasonably clean and orderly. Realistically, none of us have the time to keep our homes white-glove clean all of the time; and I doubt that we’d want to spend our time that…
Copper’s Day Off
How does a man who worked seventy-two hours in the last week spend his first at-home day off? He works all day with his wife on a major overhaul of the household finances. I love that man! God bless you as you look well to the ways of your household!Proverbs 31:27
72 Hours
Seventy-two hours. 72 HOURS! Copper is working seventy-two hours this week. He’s working six twelve hour shifts in a row, Monday through Saturday. We are thankful for the overtime, which has been rare since the first of the year. I am thankful, and constantly in prayer, for my hard-working husband. He takes the responsibility of…
Making Ready
We’re making ready. Our church is planning a church plant in the city closest to our home, with services scheduled to begin in July. Tonight we’re hosting the second meeting of folks interested in that church plant. The Lord blessed us with a home that allows us to move a few pieces of furniture, set…
Got any book recommendations?