Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Where Are You Going? How Will You Get There?

    Where are you going, and how do you plan to get there? Even if you’re simply headed to the market for a few groceries, you need to know the answers to those two questions! Those same two questions, or questions that are very similar, can be applied to almost every area of life. Homeschooling? Where…

  • I’ve Turned a Lot of Pages

    A lot of pages were turned during the month of January. A miserable virus and lots of dark, foggy days and long, cold nights, made that possible.  What follows is a list and brief review of the eight books I completed last month. Please understand, I read broadly. I do not necessarily recommend to you…

  • Monday Daybook

    It’s hard to believe that the end of January is already here! It’s been a busy month for us. Today, however, is a new day, the start of a new week, and the eve of a brand new month. Ah! Fresh beginnings! Outside my window…gray, foggy, drippy, wet, but this is the day that the…

  • Saturday Acrostic

    The Saturday Acrostic. Eight words and eight photographs, using an Acrostic format.   Sweet     Aspirations       Tablets     Undertaking     Recline     Drill     Absorbing     Yarn   The Saturday Acrostic – My Saturday, captured in photos and single words, using an Acrostic format – is…

  • Little Victories That Banish the Gloom

    The Sacramento Valley in California, the valley that I’ve called home for all of my 54 years, is known for its dense, winter fog. It’s cold, wet and generally miserable. Driving can be treacherous. This evening, in fifteen short minutes, the fog fell and became quite dense, causing our sheep to vanish from sight.  It’s…

  • Easy Multiplication

    I’m adding this quote to my Commonplace Book today.  It’s a great way to multiply, don’t you think? “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” From the Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton, as found in today’s reading in Tabletalk . Gratitude =…

  • Finding an Anchor

         I had plans!  Oh, yes, I did.       My plan was to spend several hours between Christmas and New Year’s Day working on some much-needed planning for school and my home and working out, at the very least, an outline for my 2011 goals.  My husband took vacation time over the Christmas – New…

  • Nature Itself Will Sing!

    Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!Let men their songs employ;While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plainsRepeat the sounding joy,Repeat the sounding joy,Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.   Rejoice!  Sing praises! The Lord has come!  As we sing our songs and lift up our praises, God’s creation – fields, floods, rocks, hills and plains…

  • Cleaning & Cooking & Baking, Oh My!

    Things are abuzz here today.  We’ve enjoyed a few carefree, restful days this week, but it’s time now to get serious about getting ready for Christmas festivities.  There is much baking and cooking to be done, and we want to give the whole house a good cleaning to make it fresh, warm and welcoming for…

  • With Humblest Apologies

         In the last week I have received at least two dozen spam comments.  Xanga, my blog host, has archaic comment controls, making it easy for spammers and difficult for you, my readers.  If you’ve run across any of these comments, I apologize.  I delete these spam comments as soon as I see them.     …

Got any book recommendations?