Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Sweet Reminders
I’m working my way back into normal routines again. After such a long season of illness for us, it’s so sweet to be enjoying good health and renewed energy. Especially the renewed energy! We had a glorious early spring that was way too short. April arrived with the recurrence of winter temperatures, lots of…
Broken-Down House
Copper and I moved into our present home, a much-longed for home in the country, twelve years ago. Though the house had been custom built and was only about ten years old, it was a fixer-upper. Twelve years later, we are still fixing up! Because the previous owners did not take care of…
Digging Ditches
“Mothering is like ditch-digging. As mothers we can do nothing to persuade or convince our children to love God. We can dig the ditches, but we can’t fill them. We can teach our children about God, pray for them, live the Christian life before them, and expose them to others who love and serve God. …
A Few Things I’d Like You To Know
Here are a few things I’d like for you to know. 1. It rained yesterday. Actually, it poured. All afternoon. And it was cold. No problem! We simply moved the festivities indoors. We sequestered the kids in a bedroom while the dads hid the eggs. We staggered the hunters, youngest to oldest, handing…
I’m crazy busy, and abundantly blessed. Copper was able to work a twelve hour overtime shift this week, which is a huge blessing for us, even though it meant having him gone on one of his normal days off. A couple of areas of homeschooling have kept me exceptionally busy; and the next few…
Back On Our Feet
We are, bit by bit, day by day, getting back on our feet. Oh, it’s been a long season of illness here, unlike any other year we’ve ever had. Of the five of us, Dani and I have been the sickest the longest, which is again, very uncharacteristic for our family. I’ve prayed…
The Reading Family & A Rainy Day
The past week’s spring-like weather is gone. Today is cloudy and windy and heavy rain is anticipated this afternoon. Perfect weather for a reading family. The wood stove holds a cheery fire and we each have a small stack of books at our side. My kids have books by Fitzgerald, Tolkien,Wodehouse, Cleary and…
Now, Where Was I?
Where was I? Oh, yes, holding my plans loosely. I’m still there. Or is that here? In either case, life is very, very full, which is not a bad thing. Dani’s continuing to be sick, complete with running a high fever and a trip to the clinic for a chest x-ray yesterday to…
Out of Africa
One of the new categories I added to my reading basket this year is one I’m calling “classic fiction”. I can’t really give you the criteria I’m using to determine which books might fit into this category, but the books I’ve already queued up in that category to read this year are: Out of Africa ,…
Loosey Goosey?
What do I always say? What is my most oft typed phrase? As I visit your blogs, what is the one Copperswife quote I read most often? Repeat after me, “Hold your plans loosely.” It has been an incredible season here for holding plans loosely. Illness after illness has run through…
Got any book recommendations?