Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Add Another To The List
I’ve added another author to my list of favorites – P. G. Wodehouse. Dani has long been a Wodehouse fan, and is building quite a large collection of his books. I read one title from Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster series last year, and I enjoyed it immensely. Dani graciously allowed me to read…
Bringing in a New Year with an Asian Flair
Chinese New Year, or Lunar New Year, is a fun celebration to observe with your kids. I grew up in a city with a large Chinese population, and raised my daughters in an area filled with southeast Asian immigrants. There was no ignoring Chinese New Year in our neighborhood! Firecrackers exploded for days (and nights!)…
Please Continue……
Please continue to pray for little Caroline Fletcher. I’ve been asked for updates. Your best source for updates would be at her Dad’s blog. (Go ahead and bookmark it, because you’ll want to keep reading him even after Caroline is well.) So, check Fletch’s site for updates if you’d like, but DO keep…
Would You Consider?
I’d be grateful if you would consider remembering Kendra’s precious little girl in prayer today and in the days to come. Have a blessed Lord’s Day! God bless you as you look well to the ways of your household!Proverbs 31:27
We Have A Winner!
Using the spiffy, extra-fancy, super cool (cause I don’t have to write all your names on slips of paper to do a drawing) random number generator at www.random.org………we now have a winner. The number chosen was 24, and commenter 24 was: “Thank you for doing this! My children would love it!““:o) Rachel“ Congratulations,…
Get In, Sit Down and Hold On!
That title pretty much describes my day today! We have just changed internet service providers, which means new email addresses, but much faster service. (Please note my email change in my “Contact Me” box on the side bar.) I’ve spent way too many hours the last few days changing account information with…
A Rare Thing
It’s a rare thing when a book I am reading causes my eyes to fill with tears. It’s really unheard of for a book to cause the tears to stream down my cheeks. Dani gifted me with a book that caused that sort of emotional response for Christmas. I started it a few days…
Looking For A Meaningful Way To Help?
I was. My friend, Lisa, a Compassion International advocate, reminded us that Compassion is already working in Haiti with children and families through their church-related programs. They are already there. They know, first hand, the needs of the people because they KNOW they people! I can think of no better way to help than…
February Is A Month For Celebration
Though February may be a dreary, mid-winter month, it also brings lots of opportunities for celebration! This year, in my home, we are going to observe several February holidays. Most of our celebrations will be very low key and will center, for the most part, around a good book or two. (Or three, or…
Celebrate Groundhog Day!
This particular holiday features a special guest named Phil, Punxsutawney Phil! February 2 is Groundhog Day! It’s a cute little tradition, dating back centuries, that started with folks observing animals trying to determine when spring would arrive. Tradition has it, if the groundhog can see his shadow on February 2, we will have six more…
Got any book recommendations?