Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Before

                    Our main bathroom.  Before.        What you can’t see:  A large, chipped area in the sink, rusted almost through.  Oak cabinets with their finish badly damaged.  Formica countertops…..textured in a sort of fake, wrinkled leather surface.  In the bathroom.  Ahem.  Yuck.        Yep.  This was our main bathroom at…

  • Our Home

         We moved into our home in March, 1998.  We were blessed beyond belief that the Lord provided this home and these 5 1/2 acres for us when He did.  We were blessed even more when we heard from neighbors and other folks in the community and learned how His providence played out in our…

  • Enjoying

         I’m enjoying some down time.  I slept until 9:30 and then had a two hour nap.  I’ve caught up on all of my blog reading.  Aaron and Will have brewed, sweetened and served cup after cup of tea to me, without my having to move a muscle.  Dani has done a lot of cooking,…

  • What Copperswife Has Been Pondering

               I mentioned recently that I’ve been pondering and praying over quite a few things.  The Lord has been so faithful in leading me in several areas by lovingly and tenderly shepherding.  I’m so thankful for His tenderness and kindness to me, all the more because they are so undeserved.       One…

  • Slow, Plodding and Pondering

         I’ve not been around much, either here in my own little online home, nor visiting with many of you.  My days are blessedly full.  Brim full.  Spilling over full.  It’s not a hurried,  busy-work kind of thing, either; but rather it’s a slow, plodding pace.  It’s a pace that might have once frustrated me,…

  • The Truth of the Matter

           The truth of the matter is that it is October, and I am very much enjoying our finally-here Autumn weather.  The high temperatures this week will struggle into the low 80’s.  Our mornings and evenings are crisp and cool, and our days are sunny and warm.         October also means that homeschooling is…

  • Freezer Guacamole Recipe

       When one of our favorite markets advertised avocados for $.39/each last week, Dani and I knew we had to buy a bunch. We bought a dozen or so on our shopping day, and Copper went back on one of his days off and bought 18 more. We love avocados, and we love guacamole!     …

  • Daybook

    For today: Monday, September 28, 2009…     Outside my schoolroom window…The sheep are enjoying their breakfast, and a hen is announcing the arrival of her day’s egg.  The colony of sparrows that reside in the Sycamore just outside the school room window are all busily chattering their plans for the day.        I am thinking…that…

  • Random Bits and Heart Attitudes

                    Long time readers here know that my boys find some, ummmm, rather unusual places to read and/or do their school assignments.  High up in a tree.  Lying out in the pasture.  Atop hay bales in the feed barn.  These days Aaron, at just over six feet tall, isn’t quite…

  • Just Sweet Enough Buttermilk Bundt Cake

     I like Bundt cakes. They are pretty and decorative and need no fancy adornments. A drizzle of a simple glaze is all that’s needed for most Bundt cakes to be company perfect. I’ve made this Bundt cake for years. It’s not too sweet. In fact, it’s just sweet enough to stand on its own legs…

Got any book recommendations?