Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
I’m Surrounded
I am surrounded. Not in the bad guys have me cornered and there’s no way out sense, but in a far more beautiful, yet just as intense, sense. I’m surrounded by a beautiful, ready for harvest countryside. I can travel in any direction from my home and see feed corn ready for…
Breathtakingly Beautiful
I am continually amazed at the wonder, beauty and vastness of God’s creation. Sometimes I can only stand in awe of the beauty and praise Him for all of it, every tiny detail. The Hubble telescope has enabled us to see even more of His glorious work. The beauty of this “space butterfly”…
Quiet Lives
At 10:30 this morning, I was struck by the amazing quiet of my home. It was quiet. Really quiet. There was sound, of course. The hum of the pool filter came in through the open windows, and the breeze was just enough to sound the big, copper wind chimes in the back yard from…
God bless you as you look well to the ways of your household!Proverbs 31:27
The Daring Of A Boy – OR – Why Copperswife Has Gray Hair
This is a shot of the river where my guys like to fish. It’s a beautiful spot, really. Sometimes they fish from the beach and sometimes they climb these huge boulders and fish from that vantage point. Look closely at the huge rock formation in the foreground. See the red shirt? That’s my…
Summer’s Last Days
We live in the valley of central California, in an area that is largely agricultural. The growing season here is long, and summer-like weather can remain well into autumn. Our family has had, what is to us, a very full summer season. We enjoyed eight free movies at a local theater’s…
Priorities: What That Looks Like In Real Life
When I was rather newish to being a full time homemaker, some 23 or 24 years ago, I attended a Bible study for moms. It was there that I learned the principles of applying these priorities to my life: God, (and my relationship with Him) firstHusband, secondChildren, third (to which I now happily add…
Closest Guess Wins!
No one guessed our music choices for the contest 100%. For the record, here is the correct line-up: 1. Almost There (Mercy Me) – Cheryl 2. Snazzy (Go Fish) – Will 3. Go (Newsboys) – Aaron 4. The Essential Charlie Parker – Dani (This is SO Dani. It cracked me up that no one…
Gee, But It’s Great To Be Back Home
I loved the words to that old Simon and Garfunkel song, “Gee, But It’s Great to be Back Home! Home is where I want to be-eeeeeeeeeee”. It was great to be home all day today. My heart frequently sighed, “Ah, that’s more like it!”. As I mentioned in my post this morning, we…
A Give-Away Contest – Just Because
EDIT: My apologies, once again. I KNOW that Xanga makes it very difficult for non-Xangans to comment. You can comment, it just takes a few more steps. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for email or private entries today. Please be patient….we’ll soon have a NEW way for you to comment with less…
Got any book recommendations?