Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Words Of The Song
“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words” – Author Unknown Added today to my Commonplace Book. I’m so thankful for my friend, Jean, who sang the words of my heart’s song to me today in an email!…
Counting It All Joy
Our days have been quite full. Some days have been filled with fun, food and family, which is always a joyful combination. We threw fireworks into that mix on the 4th and had a great time! Some days have been filled with doctors, x-rays and CT scans. Today was spent in the out…
Rocky Road
Rocky Road. Not the ice cream. We have been enjoying an especially busy time here. We’ve had at least one outing every week, and some weeks up to three outings. We’ve had a blast! Our garden harvest has started in earnest, and we will soon have all sorts of wonderful things canned, frozen and…
Find Time For Stillness
“But here’s what I’ve discovered: The people who find time for stillness are the people who have the energy and perspective to stay on top of their hectic “outer” lives.”Emilie BarnesThe Spirit of Loveliness: Bringing Beauty, Creativity, and Order to Your Life from my Commonplace Book God bless you as you look well to the…
Marvelous Monday – Phonics
When I was four years old my parents enrolled me in a private, church day school. It was an interesting choice. My parents were not Christians, but they joined the church so that I could be enrolled in kindergarten, though I was only four. Their reasons for making this choice were quite simple. Though…
Reality Revisited
Reality…………………. …………..revisited. My desk was a mess. It’s tiny to begin with, so having it littered with stuff didn’t help. I took everything off of it and emptied all the drawers. I polished everything with orange oil and now it glows (and smells heavenly!). I tossed tons of stuff, and have three completely empty…
An Excellent Mystery
Mystery has not been a genre that I’ve read much. It’s not that I don’t enjoy mysteries, I’ve just not read many. This past January I saw Ellis Peters’ An Excellent Mystery: The Eleventh Chronicle of Brother Cadfael listed as the Book of the Week at The Bayly Blog. Their hearty recommendation, added to…
Summer Rhythm
Our days and weeks will take on a different sort of rhythm for the summer. It’s my responsibility, of course, to keep that rhythm from becoming so fast paced that we cannot find the time to catch our breath. Though the rhythm’s pace may pick up during the summer, it’s my responsibility…
We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Life….
We interrupt your regularly scheduled life, to bring your summer! Those are the words that best describe my life right now. Sweet! We homeschool year round. Our family is best served not by a rigid schedule, but rather by the comfortable, normal rhythm of our days and weeks. Last year our summer months…
Excuses, Excuses
“But never, I repeat never, let an imperfect situation be an excuse to do nothing.“Deniece Schofield, from her book,Confessions of a Happily Organized Family Added to my Commonplace Book 6/15/09
Got any book recommendations?