Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
A Little Light Reading
As many of you know, I’m a rather eclectic reader, and I like to have three or four books, from different genre, going at the same time. I take my time through most non-fiction books, but given the right circumstances time-wise, I’ll plow right through a novel! There’s nothing like turning page after page of…
Can You See Me?
Can you see me? I’m out in the country, in the south eastern portion of the Sacramento Valley, frantically waving at you! Our formerly awesome, lightning fast Internet is now slower than slow. Our ISP has been awesome in trying to fix the situation, but it is, apparently, not repairable. Writing and editing blog posts…
The Weeks Just Fly By
The weeks just fly by, don’t they? January is almost over, and it seems like Christmas was just a couple of weeks ago. It seems to pass by so quickly, but as I look back at what all has been accomplished in these last weeks, the date on the calendar makes sense. We’re back to…
Paperless Homemaking – An Introduction
Though my home is not (yet) entirely paperless, I have made most aspects of my day to day homemaking paperless. My old homemaker’s journals and planners? Paperless. To-Do lists? Paperless. Household schedules and routines? Paperless. Menu planning? Paperless. Recipes? I have hundreds, but even there I am moving towards being completely paperless. Craft projects and…
This Isn’t Your Mom’s Slow Cooker Cookbook
A little more than a year ago, my daughter, Corin, gave me a sweet gift basket filled with all sorts of goodies. It was meant as a wedding recovery gift for the days right after Dani’s December 29 wedding. Included in the basket was a new-to-me crockpot cookbook. That cookbook has totally changed the way…
One Thing Leads To Another
My home has what is commonly known as an open floor plan, so when it comes to remodeling, repainting, or redecorating anything in my home, one thing definitely leads to another. There’s no break in the ceiling line, for example, between the kitchen, dining room, back hall and laundry room. Walls between rooms or areas…
It’s Been A Good Week!
It’s been a good week! A lot has been accomplished, not the least of which has been that I have finally finished piecing my ten year old grandson’s quilt. I’m a very, very novice quilter, with only a couple of very simple table runners under my belt, before tackling the quilt for my oldest grandson…
Just Like Portuguese Sweet Bread For The Bread Machine
When I was in high school, a family from Portugal bought the house right next door. Since I spent quite a bit of time one summer with their oldest son (ahem), the mama of the family quite often shared homemade Portuguese food with my family. Delicious! The days that she made Portuguese Sweet Bread…
Got any book recommendations?