Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Simple Menu This Week

    We’ve got a birthday happening this week. William is turning 15! With everyone’s oddball work schedules, church events, and just regular old life, we’re celebrating off and on for more than a week. We’ll take him out for the traditional restaurant birthday dinner on Saturday, celebrate with extended family Sunday evening, and he’s partying with…

  • Now That The Kitchen Is Done

    The kitchen was finished in mid-November. We hurriedly painted the new wall in the front parlor, and all of the living room, but then we had to put the rest of our plans on hold until the holidays were over. It’s now mid-January and the next phase of our plans is well under way. The…

  • Progress Is Progress, No Matter How Small

    Sometimes, I think, we can get discouraged when we aren’t accomplishing things quite as quickly as we’d like. We’re better served to look at what we have accomplished with gratitude. I was just sure, when I posted last week about my creativity and reading goals, that I would have finished piecing the second of seven…

  • There’s An App For That – Why I Use Evernote For Almost Everything

    Most of us have computers or smartphones that use apps. We have an app for our grocery list, an app for our recipes, an app to keep track of our yarn or fabric stash, an app for menu planning, an app for homeschool planning, and app for this and an app for that. Too many…

  • Winter Solstice – Perfect Fireside Reading

    Last summer, it was all about the books that I could take to the ballpark with me. The summer before that, it was beach reading. I’ve never been one to think much about a book in light of it being just right for reading by the fire in the midst of winter, but I’ve just…

  • Still Cooking My Way Through America’s Test Kitchen

    I’ve really been enjoying the recipes, and learning a few new things from The America’s Test Kitchen Family Cookbook. This will probably be the last week that I cook so many new things from the cookbook, but I really wanted to give it a good workout and then be able to write an honest review…

  • Resolutions, Goals, And Grace

    It’s hard to look back over our accomplishments, or lack thereof, for the past year with an objective eye. We are either very pleased with what we see, or we feel dismayed. Whatever 2013 brought your way, I hope, as you look back over the year and weigh what you’d hoped would happen, and against…

  • Some Plans For The Year Ahead

    I mentioned yesterday  that I’d realigned my personal schedule (it’s more of a flow chart, really), to better reflect my personal priorities. As I looked back over the months that were 2013, I realized that I had not read nearly as much as I would have liked, and the time that I was able to…

  • Remembering Priorities

    I learned long ago that things fall apart pretty quickly when we allow our priorities to get out of whack. Almost thirty years ago, I attended a class for moms where priorities were the key teaching point. It didn’t sink in right away, but oh, how I have learned the wisdom of that teaching now.…

  • Great Help For The Mama Of Preschoolers

    Homeschooling is hard work, but if you have a preschooler (or two or three) in the mix, your homeschool day can be downright chaotic. Enter Kendra Fletcher’s e-book,  Preschoolers and Peace – Homeschooling Older Kids With Success While Loving the Little Ones at Your Feet.   Whether you’re homeschooling a small family with only one…

Got any book recommendations?