Tag: book review

  • Need Help For the Six O’Clock Scramble?

    Six o’clock in the evening can cause near panic in some homes. Dinner isn’t ready, it’s not even started, and you might not even have a clue what you will put on the table for dinner. Sound familiar? Enter SOS! The Six O’Clock Scramble to the Rescue, by Aviva Goldfarb! I stumbled across this book…

  • Immortal Cells and Medical Ethics

    Immortal Cells and Medical Ethics

    One of my goals this year was to broaden the scope of my reading. To that end, I decided to read at least three titles from The New York Times Bestseller’s Nonfiction List, and at least three history/biography books, in addition to my other reading categories this year. As it turns out, the second book…

  • Holy Habits

      I was a bit worried when I began Holy Habits: A Woman’s Guide to Intentional Living. I was worried that the many “holy habits” listed in the table of contents would be just another list of extra-biblical requirements heaped on the heads of today’s Christian woman. I am pleased to say that this is…

  • Books Read in March, 2011

          March has been a crazy month. Plenty of stormy, cold weather that just begged for time curled up on the couch in front of the fire with a book; but my husband and I have spent a lot of time working on less enjoyable pursuits like tax returns, financial planning, and researching other money…

  • I’ve Turned a Lot of Pages

    A lot of pages were turned during the month of January. A miserable virus and lots of dark, foggy days and long, cold nights, made that possible.  What follows is a list and brief review of the eight books I completed last month. Please understand, I read broadly. I do not necessarily recommend to you…

  • A Mother’s Heart

              “I can read everything written on child raising, closely supervise their activities, develop meaningful dialogue, and stay up late worrying – and still miss the target…….We can take them to church, but we can’t make them worship.  We can require Bible reading, but we can’t make them enjoy doing it.  We can provide an…

  • Celebrate Groundhog Day!

    This particular holiday features a special guest named Phil,  Punxsutawney Phil!  February 2 is Groundhog Day!  It’s a cute little tradition, dating back centuries, that started with folks observing animals trying to determine when spring would arrive.  Tradition has it, if the groundhog can see his shadow on February 2, we will have six more…

  • Books, Books, Books!

         My recent bout with the flu was, of course, unpleasant.  However, I was able to spend a lot of time reading and that really did make it seem a lot less worse.  Okay, maybe not, but I did enjoy being able to put my feet up, cozy up with warm blankets and read.  I…

  • Living a Beautiful Life

         I have a blogging buddy whose book recommendations I generally enjoy.  Over the years she has recommended books by Alexandra Stoddard several times.  A couple of years ago, I checked out the only book by Alexandra Stoddard that was on my local library’s shelf at the time.  It really didn’t appeal to me.  However,…

  • It’s Just Around the Corner

    The 4th of July is right around the corner, just one month away.  I spent a few minutes today pulling our favorite Independence Day books from the shelf in anticipation of our pre-holiday reading.  Here are our favorites: The Fourth of July Story, by Alice Dalgliesh.  We read this one at least once every year. …