Tag: hold your plans loosely
Beautiful Baby Boy – Welcome Grandbaby #7!
In case you missed the announcement on my Facebook page, my seventh grandchild was born this last week. He was a big boy, weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 ounces, but he’s perfect in every way. He was trying to convince me that his life, so far, had been hard, but I wasn’t…
Not Too Tightly
I made big plans for February. There were a couple of projects that I hoped to accomplish. February was the month that I thought I might check another couple of items off of my 2012 goals list, and set some intermediary steps toward meeting some of my other goals. February, however, has already brought several…
Showing love
It’s interesting, I think, when a friend who blogs links to to a post I’ve written in the past. It’s humbling, too, especially when I go back and re-read the post and realize that I’ve not followed through as I’d hoped I would, or, as in this case, that I’ve not made any forward progress…
Goals, Yes! Resolutions, Nope.
We had a fabulous Christmas and spent New Year’s Eve, quietly, here at home watching movies and enjoying a ton of homemade goodies, both sweet and savory. It’s been quite cold and unusually dry. In fact, we’ve needed to run sprinklers on the lawns, and I may irrigate the orchard and vineyard this week if…
Being Available
I’ve come to realize that I function best on a schedule. Not an hour by hour, minute by minute schedule, but a schedule that keeps me moving through my day. It enables me to accomplish everything I need to do on any given day, and it allows me to do things that, without a schedule,…
Copper’s Day Off – Long Day Edition
Sunday, after church, Aaron took what he calls an “epic” spill while playing Ultimate Frisbee. He’s seventeen, and it’s been a number of years since I’ve seen his knees quite as skinned up as they are now. He kept playing, though. After the game, I found out that he’d hurt his wrist in the fall,…
Keeping A Loose Grip
Today finds me wondering not only where my week has gone, but where the first half of June has gone, too. Whooosh! Those days have just flown by. My own plans for the last couple of weeks have been held with a very loose grip. You are remembering to hold your plans loosely, aren’t you?…
It’s Not Static
How we care for our homes changes over time. The ways I am looking well to my household today, are not the same as they were last year or the year before. We must be very careful to not become too comfortable in the way we do things, thinking that those ways will work forever.…
Those Wicked Kissing Cousins!
I’m fifty-four years old. Most of my hair is gray. Dani says it’s silver, which sounds a lot better than gray, but she loves me and I think her opinion may be biased. The point is, I’ve lived a relatively long time, more than half a century in fact; and I’ve learned some…