Tag: homemaking

  • Quick Tip Tuesday – Keeping Your Kitchen Sponge Fresh & Clean

    Quick Tip Tuesday – Keeping Your Kitchen Sponge Fresh & Clean

    There are a couple of things that really gross me out about a kitchen sponge. The first is picking up a sopping wet sponge. The second is using a sponge that smells. Yuck!! To keep your kitchen sponge fresh and clean follow these two quick tips! First, rinse out your sponge every time you use…

  • Unburden


    I’m generally not one to jump on bandwagons, but this year I am joining the “word of the year” crowd. I always love reading other folks’ words for the year, but I’m not usually inspired to think about, and choose, a word of the year for myself. As 2014 rolled to a close, though, the…

  • What’s Ahead in the New Year?

    The blog will be on a short break through the first of the year as my family celebrates the new year together. If you haven’t already, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook.  I’ll continue posting there as we wind down the old year, and welcome in the new, including some fun photos…

  • REBOOT: Moving Forward

    You all have been wonderful hanging in there with me as I’ve slowly rebooted the blog. I started with a quick “hello” post, and then we caught up a bit. I wrote about what I read while I was away, and gave you a quick quilting update. Then, you all blessed me tremendously with your encouraging…

  • Using Evernote As Your Recipe Box

    Evernote is a great way to keep track of all of your recipes. In fact, Evernote is now my primary recipe box. It’s the one app I use all day, almost every day.  Here are some suggestions for you so that you can get started using Evernote for your own recipes. (If you click on…

  • Setting Up Evernote For Paperless Homemaking

    Evernote is my go to app for everything. As I work towards making my home, and my homemaking, as paperless as possible, Evernote is proving to be just the right tool for the job. I’m now using Evernote as my paperless homemaker’s journal, my recipe box, and my filing cabinet for a hundred other purposes.…

  • Why All Of My Recipes Are Moving To Evernote

    I’m moving all of my hundreds of recipes to Evernote. Let me tell you why. I’ve been married and cooking for two or more people for more than thirty-five years. I’ve collected a lot of recipes during that time and I’ve had various ways of keeping them so they were easy to use – binders,…

  • Paperless Homemaking – An Introduction

    Though my home is not (yet) entirely paperless, I have made most aspects of my day to day homemaking paperless. My old homemaker’s journals and planners? Paperless. To-Do lists? Paperless. Household schedules and routines? Paperless. Menu planning? Paperless. Recipes? I have hundreds, but even there I am moving towards being completely paperless. Craft projects and…

  • There’s An App For That – Why I Use Evernote For Almost Everything

    Most of us have computers or smartphones that use apps. We have an app for our grocery list, an app for our recipes, an app to keep track of our yarn or fabric stash, an app for menu planning, an app for homeschool planning, and app for this and an app for that. Too many…

  • Looking Well Even When It’s Tough

    It’s easy to look well to the ways of your household when things are going smoothly. The kids are getting along, homeschooling is going well, your husband is happy at work, and there are no outside pressures causing you grief (like having your house torn up during a major remodeling project). Unfortunately, life doesn’t generally…