Tag: the good life

  • Copper’s Day Off

    The weather today was delightful. Sunny, warm, breezy. We were able to leave the windows open all day long, allowing the fresh air and the sounds of the wind chimes dancing in the breeze to fill our home. It was, officially, my husband’s day off, but he’s been on vacation for the last week. It’s…

  • Taking Joy In An Ordinary Day

    It’s been awhile since my husband has been home for ALL of his days off in a single week. His being home made for a very productive day for all of us. Our weeping willows were in terrible need of a trim, and my husband worked out in the heat until all five of them…

  • Copper’s Day Off

    Copper planned a full day of errands today. The weather was glorious, and everything was accomplished well before dinner time. Yeah for us! The day started with a hay run. Copper headed to the hay broker while the boys finished up their morning chores. When he got back, the hay was unloaded and stacked in…

  • Chillaxing….

    A warm evening spent reading and relaxing on the front porch. Have a blessed Lord’s Day!  

  • Tardy Tamalie Pie

    The Tamalie Pie recipe that I promised for today will be late. We were to have it for dinner last night, but Aaron took us out to dinner instead. Can I just say how much fun it is to have my seventeen year old son take the family out for a meal with his own…